Founded in 1998, “A New Way" is committed to building a
shared society in Israel.
Our work focuses on the critical need to generate long-term multicultural processes that will allow Jews and Arabs to have meaningful interactions within the formal education system and their local communities.
Our Vision
"A New Way” acts as a unifying force. In everything we do, we try to challenge the ruptures that exist in Jewish-Arab relations.
Our vision is to generate change on a grassroots people to people level, enabling Arabs and Jews to meet directly without mediators, reducing fears, prejudices, alienation, suspicion, and hostility. Replacing them with tolerance, understanding, trust, respect, and a deep-seated commitment to multicultural collaborations and shared citizenship
How it all began
The founder and Director of A New Way, Dr. Tikva Bracha, tells……………
A New Way” Objectives"
1. Generate highly meaningful interactions between Jews and Arabs, shifting the way people in our society think, speak,
and act:
- Foster a change in attitudes towards each other/’the other’.
-Allow direct dialogues based on empathic listening and shared values.
-Provide the necessary skills for multicultural collaboration.
2. Provide knowledge about the diversity of Israeli narratives, cultures, and stories.
3. Build long-lasting relations between local communities, strengthening their ability to practice and contribute to a shared society.

Our year in numbers
different schools, elementary and high schools take part in our programs each year
different communities throughout Israel, most of them from the periphery, collaborate with us every year
participants - young and adults take part in "A New Way" programs every year